Consultation launched on review of local election boundaries in North East Lincolnshire Council

Consultation launched on review of local election boundaries in North East Lincolnshire
A public consultation has been launched to help shape new council wards for North East Lincolnshire. The Local Government Boundary Commission for England wants to hear people’s views on where they live, to help make sure that the new wards reflect the size and shape of local communities.
An electoral review is being carried out to make sure that each local councillor represents about the same number of electors, and that the wards they represent reflect community identities.
Following an earlier consultation with the Council, the Commission concluded that North East Lincolnshire needs 42 councillors to be able to operate effectively. This is the same number as they have now.
Launching the consultation on the electoral review of North East Lincolnshire, Professor Colin Mellors, Chair of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, said:
“We are looking for your views, as local people, on how you think North East Lincolnshire should be represented in wards that reflect local communities and identities.
“By telling us about where you live and where you access local services, it will help us to create appropriate and meaningful boundaries.
“It might be something as straightforward as where you go for shops, schools or a sporting venue, whether you see a road, park or river as a dividing feature or the heart of a community, or which areas have joint projects.
“Hearing from local residents will give us important evidence to inform our recommendations for a pattern of wards for North East Lincolnshire that ensures each councillor represents about the same number of electors.”
The consultation on this stage of the electoral review of North East Lincolnshire lasts for ten weeks and closes on 7 October. The Commission will use local views to help draw up their proposals for new ward boundaries.
Local people can provide their views via the Commission website at:
North East Lincolnshire | LGBCE
by emailing
or by post to:
Review Officer (North East Lincolnshire)
The Local Boundary Commission for England
7th Floor
3 Bunhill Row
Notes to editors:
The consultation on the electoral review of North East Lincolnshire is being held by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, an independent body directly accountable to Parliament.
This consultation relates to the arrangements for local government elections. It is separate from consultations that have recently taken place across England on arrangements for parliamentary elections.
An electoral review consultation typically has two stages:
- The first stage asks for views on a broad range of issues affecting the local area, which the Commission then uses to draw a map of proposed local boundaries.
The second stage of consultation then provides a chance for local people to comment on the Commission’s proposals before they are finalised and laid before Parliament, to be made into law.
For further information and images, please contact the Commission’s press office on 0330 500 1525 / 1250 or email press
For more information on the work of the Commission, please watch this short film:
An interactive map is available at:
North East Lincolnshire | LGBCE