South Tyneside

A review of the number of councillors, wards and ward names for South Tyneside Council
Currently in review

Latest Information

Consultation on revised proposals

We may consult on revisions to our original proposals.

Dates: 7 May 2024 - 9 Sep 2024

Previous stages

We consult with local people and organisations to help us refine our proposals.

Dates: 3 Oct 2023 - 11 Dec 2023

We decide how many councillors an authority should have.

We ask local people and organisations to tell us about their communities.

Dates: 9 May 2023 - 17 Jul 2023

have your say

Give us your views

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The views of local people and organisations help shape our proposals and recommendations.

Just tell us what you think and why you think that

We review the electoral and boundary arrangements of councils to make sure they are fair. Our reviews include at least two rounds of public consultation before we make recommendations for change. 

We are carrying out an electoral review of South Tyneside Council because it has been a long time since the last review.

9 May 2023 We decide how many councillors there should be
9 May - 17 July 2023 We carry out an initial public consultation on communities
3 October - 11 December 2023 We carry out a public consultation on our proposals
7 May - 9 September 2024 We carry out a public consultation on our new draft recommendations
TBD We publish our final recommendations 
TBD We ask Parliament to approve our recommendations
2026 New arrangements apply to local elections


The current consultation period is being extended until 9 September 2024 due to the General Election. A full revised timetable will be published on this web page in due course.


Consultation on Proposals

Following concerns with the electorate figures published on our website, on 22 March 2024 the Commission wrote to South Tyneside Council confirming its intention to delay publication of the ‘Final Recommendations on the new electoral arrangements for South Tyneside’.

New Draft Recommendations were published on 7 May 2024, with a 10 week consultation running until 15 July 2024.

During the draft recommendations consultation, a number of respondents observed that the electorate figures in the ‘South Tyneside electoral forecasting proforma’ file published on our website showed the incorrect electorate totals and variances for some of the existing wards. Some respondents queried whether, had the correct figures been shown, changes to some existing wards would have been necessary.

In addition to this error, the same file also was missing 264 electors that are forecast in the development of the Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate in Cleadon & East Boldon ward by 2029. 

We apologise that the figures in this file on our website showed incorrect electorates and variances for the existing wards. The correct figures are now available.

While the figures published on the website were incorrect, our draft recommendations were developed using the correct figures, and the information in our draft recommendations report published in October 2023 is accurate. 

However, we were aware that, with the incorrect figures on our website from the start of our initial consultation, respondents may have responded differently to our consultation had the correct figures and variances been available to them.

In light of this, we published New Draft Recommendations on 7 May 2024. These have been developed taking into account everything that we’ve heard in the submissions we have received to date – from both the warding patterns consultation and the consultation on the original draft recommendations

We will now publish our final recommendations on 1 October 2024. 

Visit our 'How reviews work' pages for more information on the review process.  

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Latest Information

Consultation on revised proposals

We have proposed a new pattern of wards. We want to hear the views of local people and organisations to help us produce our recommendations for change. 

Previous stages

Consultation on proposals

We have proposed a new pattern of wards. We want to hear the views of local people and organisations to help us produce our recommendations for change. 

Councillor numbers

We have decided that South Tyneside Council should have 54 councillors.

Initial consultation

26 March 2024: Please note, the spreadsheet originally available has been removed and replaced by this. The revised spreadsheet provides the correct figures in cells L5, L6, M5, M6 and columns N and P. They also include an additional 264 electors in cell I69, reflecting the growth in Cleadon Lane Industrial Estate that was originally omitted. 

Local views given during our initial consultation

You can see comments received from local people and organisations about their communities.

We ask local people and organisations to tell us about their communities.

Previous Reviews

Most recent and previous reviews are held on the UK Government Web Archive.

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